Sunday, March 1, 2015


Gold is the metal worshipped by modern society. When Pliny speaks of gold he said " natural gold may contain the light of the sun, but minted gold becomes a symbol of perversion and the exaltation of unclean disire.
George de Hevesy and Niels Bohr were scientists in Nazi Germany. They both wished to leave Germany, but there was one issue, gold was not allowed to be taken over the border and they both won the Nobel Prize. So they dissolved the gold in aqua regia and left in until after the war. Years later Bohr wrote to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and explained his situation, they gladly reminted him a Nobel Prize.
The ancients built golden statues to their gods, we moderns build gold statues to models. In 2008 a lifesized gold statue of Kate Moss was commissioned by the British Museum, it is pure gold and worth 1.5million pounds

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